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API Reference


The MicVAD API is for recording user audio in the browser and running callbacks on speech segments and related events.


Package Type Supported Description
@ricky0123/vad-web package Yes
@ricky0123/vad-react package No, use the useMicVAD hook


import { MicVAD } from "@ricky0123/vad-web"
const myvad = await{
    onSpeechEnd: (audio) => {
        // do something with `audio` (Float32Array of audio samples at sample rate 16000)...


New instances of MicVAD are created by calling the async static method The options object can contain the following fields (all are optional).

Option Type Default Description
additionalAudioConstraints Partial<MediaTrackConstraints> {} Additional constraints to pass to getUserMedia via the audio field. Note that some constraints (channelCount, echoCancellation, autoGainControl, noiseSuppression) are set by default.
onFrameProcessed (probabilities: {isSpeech: float; notSpeech: float}, frame: Float32Array) => any () => {} Callback to run after each frame. The frame parameter contains the raw audio data for that frame.
onVADMisfire () => any () => {} Callback to run if speech start was detected but onSpeechEnd will not be run because the audio segment is smaller than minSpeechFrames
onSpeechStart () => any () => {} Callback to run when speech start is detected
onSpeechRealStart () => any () => {} Callback to run when actual speech positive frames exceeds min speech frames threshold is detected
onSpeechEnd (audio: Float32Array) => any () => {} Callback to run when speech end is detected. Takes as arg a Float32Array of audio samples between -1 and 1, sample rate 16000. This will not run if the audio segment is smaller than minSpeechFrames
positiveSpeechThreshold number 0.5 see algorithm configuration
negativeSpeechThreshold number 0.35 see algorithm configuration
redemptionFrames number 8 see algorithm configuration
frameSamples number 1536 see algorithm configuration
preSpeechPadFrames number 1 see algorithm configuration
minSpeechFrames number 3 see algorithm configuration
model "v5" or "legacy" "legacy" whether to use the new Silero model or not
baseAssetPath string / URL or path relative to webroot where vad.worklet.bundle.min.js, silero_vad_legacy.onnx, and silero_vad_v5.onnx will be loaded from
onnxWASMBasePath string / URL or path relative to webroot where wasm files for onnxruntime-web will be loaded from
stream MediaStream undefined Optional media stream to use instead of creating a new one. If not provided, the VAD will create its own stream using getUserMedia.
workletOptions AudioWorkletNodeOptions {} Options to pass to the AudioWorkletNode constructor.


Attributes Type Default Description
listening boolean false Is the VAD listening to mic input or is it paused?
pause () => void Stop listening to mic input
start () => void Start listening to mic input


The NonRealTimeVAD API is for identifying segments of user speech if you already have a Float32Array of audio samples.


Package Type Supported Description
@ricky0123/vad-web package Yes
@ricky0123/vad-react package No


const vad = require("@ricky0123/vad-node") // or @ricky0123/vad-web

const options: Partial<vad.NonRealTimeVADOptions> = { /* ... */ }
const myvad = await
const audioFileData, nativeSampleRate = ... // get audio and sample rate from file or something
for await (const {audio, start, end} of, nativeSampleRate)) {
   // do stuff with
   //   audio (float32array of audio)
   //   start (milliseconds into audio where speech starts)
   //   end (milliseconds into audio where speech ends)


New instances of MicVAD are created by calling the async static method The options object can contain the following fields (all are optional).

Option Type Default Description
positiveSpeechThreshold number 0.5 see algorithm configuration
negativeSpeechThreshold number 0.35 see algorithm configuration
redemptionFrames number 8 see algorithm configuration
frameSamples number 1536 see algorithm configuration
preSpeechPadFrames number 1 see algorithm configuration
minSpeechFrames number 3 see algorithm configuration


Attributes Type Default Description
run async function* (inputAudio: Float32Array, sampleRate: number): AsyncGenerator Run the VAD model on your audio


A React hook wrapper for MicVAD. Use this if you want to run the VAD model on mic input in a React application.


Package Type Supported Description
@ricky0123/vad-web package No, use MicVAD
@ricky0123/vad-react package Yes


import { useMicVAD } from "@ricky0123/vad-react"

const MyComponent = () => {
  const vad = useMicVAD({
    startOnLoad: true,
    onSpeechEnd: (audio) => {
      console.log("User stopped speaking")
  return <div>User speaking: {vad.userSpeaking}</div>


The useMicVAD hook takes an options object with the following fields (all are optional).

Option Type Default Description
startOnLoad boolean true Whether to start the VAD automatically when the component loads.
additionalAudioConstraints Partial<MediaTrackConstraints> {} Additional constraints to pass to getUserMedia via the audio field. Note that some constraints (channelCount, echoCancellation, autoGainControl, noiseSuppression) are set by default.
onFrameProcessed (probabilities: {isSpeech: float; notSpeech: float}, frame: Float32Array) => any () => {} Callback to run after each frame. The frame parameter contains the raw audio data for that frame.
onVADMisfire () => any () => {} Callback to run if speech start was detected but onSpeechEnd will not be run because the audio segment is smaller than minSpeechFrames
onSpeechStart () => any () => {} Callback to run when speech start is detected
onSpeechEnd (audio: Float32Array) => any () => {} Callback to run when speech end is detected. Takes as arg a Float32Array of audio samples between -1 and 1, sample rate 16000. This will not run if the audio segment is smaller than minSpeechFrames
positiveSpeechThreshold number 0.5 see algorithm configuration
negativeSpeechThreshold number 0.35 see algorithm configuration
redemptionFrames number 8 see algorithm configuration
frameSamples number 1536 see algorithm configuration
preSpeechPadFrames number 1 see algorithm configuration
minSpeechFrames number 3 see algorithm configuration


Attributes Type Default Description
listening boolean false Is the VAD currently listening to mic input?
errored false or { message: string} Did the VAD fail to load?
loading boolean true Did the VAD finish loading?
userSpeaking boolean false Is the user speaking?
pause () => void Stop the VAD from running on mic input
start () => void Start the VAD running on mic input